CL Programming, Introduction, User Interface

Use of SEU Editor

Written by AS400i · 4 min read >

The IBM AS/400 provides an integrated set of Application Development Tools (ADT) to design, develop and maintain applications. One such tool is the Programming Development Manager (PDM) that offers the following:

  • Integrated application development environment.
  • List-oriented selection of items for development or maintenance.
  • Extendable interface to tools through user-defined options.

Another tool is the Source Entry Utility (SEU) that offers a full screen editor providing syntax checking of source statements. PDM is one tool that may be used to access the SEU.

Starting the Editor

Type STRPDM (Start Program Development Manager) on any command line, and press <Enter> . The PDM menu is displayed. Choose option 3 to Work with members. The “Work with members” screen shows up. You can also reach this screen by typing WRKMBRPDM (Work with members using PDM) on any command line and pressing . In either case, supply the necessary source file (SRCFILE) and library (YOURLIB) information and press Enter.

Type 2 and press Enter on the “Opt” line to edit the source member “SRCMBR”. the screen will be like shown.


Type I (for insert) on the first line as shown and press <Enter> .

SEU Line commands

Similarly you can have number of SEU Line commands to perform various operations. Following is a list of valid commands.

  • A=After Move or copy records after this record.
  • An=After with repeat n times Move or copy records after this record and repeat these records n times.
  • B=Before Move or copy records before this record.
  • Bn=Before with repeat n times Move or copy records before this record and repeat these records n times.
  • C=Copy Line Copy this line to a specified target.
  • Cn=Copy n lines Copy this line plus the next n-1 lines to the specified target.
  • CC=Block Copy Copy all lines between the boundaries formed by the two CC commands.
  • CR=Copy records and retain command Copy this record to the specified targets and keep this command on the display.
  • CRn=Copy n records and retain command. Copy n records to the specified targets and keep this command on the display.
  • CCR=Copy block records and retain command Copy the block of records defined by a pair of CCR commands to the specified targets and keep this command on the display.
  • D=Delete Delete the current line.
  • Dn=Delete n lines Delete the current line and the next n-1 lines.
  • DD=Block Delete Delete all lines between the two DD boundaries.
  • F=Display format line.
  • I=Insert a line Insert a blank line after the current record.
  • In=Insert n lines Insert n blank lines after this record.
  • IP=Insert line and prompt Insert a blank line and display the line in a prompt.
  • L=Shift data 1 char left Shift data in this record one character position to the left without losing data.
  • Ln=Shift data n chars left Shift data in this record n character positions to the left without losing data.
  • LL=Shift block 1 char to the left Shift data defined by the boundary between and including the two LL line commands one character position to the left without losing data.
  • LLn=Shift block n chars to the left Shift data defined by the boundary between and including the LLn and LL line commands n character positions to the left.
  • M=Move a line Move a line to a specified target.
  • Mn=Move n lines Move the current line and the following n-1 lines to a specified target.
  • MM=Block Move Move all records between and including the boundaries defined by the MM line commands to a specified target.
  • O=Overlay Overlay the current line with the first line defined by the move, copy, or copy repeated line command.
  • On=Overlay n lines Overlay this line and the following n-1 lines with the first n lines defined by the move, copy, or copy repeated line command.
  • OO=Block overlay Overlay all the records between and including the boundaries defined by two OO line commands with the lines defined by the move, copy, or copy repeated line command.
  • P=Display prompt Type P to display this line in a prompt.
  • R=Shift data 1 char right Shift data in the current record one character position to the right without losing data.
  • Rn=Shift data n chars right Shift data in the current record n character positions to the right without losing data.
  • RR=Block shift 1 char to the right Shift data defined by the boundary between and including the two RR line commands one character position to the right without losing data.
  • RRn=Block shift n chars to the right Shift data defined by the boundary between and including the RRn and RR line commands n character positions to the right, without losing data.
  • RP=Repeat line Repeat the current line once before the following line.
  • RPn=Repeat line n times Repeat the current line n times before the following line.
  • RPP=Block repeat Repeat all lines defined by the boundary between the two RPP line commands.
  • RPPn=Block repeat Repeat all lines defined by the boundary between the two RPP line commands n times.
  • SF=Show first record Show the first record of the exclude group.
  • SFn=Show first n records Show the first n records of the exclude group.
  • SL=Show last record Show the last record of the exclude group.
  • SLn=Show last n records Show the last n records of the exclude group.
  • W=Display member from column 1 Display the member beginning in column 1.
  • Wn=Display member from column n Display the member beginning in column n.
  • X=Exclude Exclude the current record from the display.
  • Xn=Exclude plus Exclude the the current record and the next n-1 records.
  • XX=Block Exclude Exclude all lines between the boundaries formed by the two XX line commands.
  • + (plus sign)=Roll member forward 1 line Roll the member forward one line.
  • +n=Roll member forward n lines Roll the member forward n lines.
  • – (minus sign)=Roll member backward 1 line Roll the member backward one line.
  • -n=Roll member backward n lines Roll the member backward n lines.
  • n=Absolute Positioning Position the line identified by the sequence number(n) as the first record on the display.

SEU Commands

SEU commands are entered in the “SEU==>” field at the top of the screen.


Search for an occurrence of a character string. If the string contains embedded blanks, apostrophes, or quotation marks, it should be enclosed in quotation marks. Several direction parameters are available: N (Next), P (Previous), F (First), L (Last), and A (All). The scope of the search can be specified using search parameters: X (excluded records) and NX (non-excluded records). The syntax of FIND is FIND string [N,P,A,F,L] [X,NX] [column parameter]. Examples:

  • F XYZ
  • F ‘hello there’
  • F *ERR A find all syntax errors
  • F “‘XYZ'”

Use the F16 “Repeat Find” key to find the next occurrence of a string.


Find all occurrences of a character string and replace it with another string. The syntax is CHANGE fstring cstring [N,P,A,F,L] [X,NX] [column parameter]


Go to the first page of the work screen.


Go to the last page of the work screen.


Save changes and continue editing. SAVE [ [ [ library/ ] file ] member ]


Save changes and exit from edit session. FILE [ [ [ library/ ] file ] member ]


Cancel session and exit session.


See the IBM SEU manual for more information.

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5 Replies to “Use of SEU Editor”

  1. What is the screen font you are using in the screenshots? I’d like to use it outside the context of IBM terminal emulation, but I can’t find much information about it.

why dont you add your experience here