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AS400 Change Password

The first time you log on to AS400 you will be forced to change password before continuing. The password is the security key that allows you to sign on the system.


Later on when you want to change password, type CHGPWD on the command line and go through the same steps.

  1. Type CHGPWD on the command line.

  1. Press <Enter>to change your password.
  1. At the “Current Password” field, type your current password.

NOTE: nothing you type on this screen will be displayed to ensure that no one views your password as you type it.

  1. Press <Tab>or <Field Exit>.
  1. For the “New Password” field, type the password you would like to use when you sign on to the computer. It must not exceed 10 characters, it must begin with an alphabetic character and the remaining characters may be any combination of alphabetic, numeric characters.

Note: Try not to make it too difficult, you will need to know it to sign on the AS400 again.

  1. Press <Tab>or <Field Exit>
  1. At the “New Password (to verify)” field, type in your new password for a second time to make sure you have entered it correctly. If you have entered it incorrectly you will get an error message and your initial password will still be as before.
  1. Press <Enter>

Upon completion, the following message will be displayed:
Password changed successfully.

Read the following screens, pressing <Enter>to exit each one, until you reach the AS400 Main Menu screen.

The new password that is entered from the change password display is checked against the password validation rules. The password validation rules are defined by the system values.

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