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WRKACTJOB – Work with Active Jobs

The Work with Active Jobs – WRKACTJOB command allows to work with status information and performance for the active jobs in the system. The sequence of jobs can be changed with the Sequence (SEQ) parameter or through operations on the display. Other parameters allow the selection of jobs to be shown on the display. The selection parameters can also be changed by operations on the display.

Work with Active Jobs – WRKACTJOB

To get above screen enter F4 key and F10 key after entering WRKACTJOB command.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output.

Reset status statistics (RESET)

Specifies whether the active job statistics are reset.

Subsystem (SBS)

Specifies the names of the subsystems (or all subsystems) whose active jobs are displayed.

CPU percent limit (CPUPCTLMT)

Specifies the minimum processing time percent value that a job must have before it is included on the display.

Response time limit (RSPLMT)

Specifies the minimum response time limit that a job must have before it is included on the display.

Sequence (SEQ)

Specifies the sequence of the active jobs that are displayed.

Job name (JOB)

Specifies the name of the active jobs to be displayed. Only active jobs within selected subsystems (based on the SBS parameter) are displayed. Subsystem monitor names only appear when *ALL or *SBS is specified. System jobs only appear when *ALL or *SYS is specified.

AS400 Jobs

Automatic refresh interval (INTERVAL)

Specifies the interval (in seconds) to wait during the automatic refresh option. The default time is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Valid values range from 5 to 999 seconds. If this value is changed by the user, the value is saved and used as the default value. When automatic refresh is started the screen is refreshed automatically based on the time specified.

Work with Active Jobs Output – WRKACTJOB


Example 1: Resetting Active Job Statistics


This command allows the user to work with a display with no jobs appearing; the active job statistics are reset and no job has used any processing unit time since the reset point. When the display appears, the F5 key may be pressed; this causes a display of all jobs that have exceeded 2 percent of the processing unit utilization since the reset point.

Example 2: Working With Jobs in a Subsystem


This command allows the user to work with all jobs in the QINTER subsystem. The sequence of the jobs is by the number of operator interactions, with the job with the most interactions appearing first.

Source : IBM

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